This is my first fully realized miniature sculpt! The Globster is a glorious flesh monster, or ooze depending on your preferences. Its a monster made of the decompasing flesh of local fauna. Sea creatures, land mamals, toxic waste or the decomposing bodies of a mass grave seeking revenge. This gross monster can ravage your party and gross out your family!
My files cost the amount that they cost due to the work I have to put into them and the potential for theft, lost profits from sales, and your ability to print as many of them as you want. I advise that this model should be printed hollw with the mouth facing upwards so there is minimal need for supports for the teeth.
The glorious Globster *printable file download
All files produced by Restitutor orbis miniatures are under a personal use license. These files cannot be sold by the recipient nor can the prints made from the files be sold in ones own store without prior communication and aggreement of Restitutor Orbis miniatures. Your rights to use these files are personal use. Please do not sell prints nor claim this work is your own. Also do not share these files with other people as they are only to be used by those who have purchased the files. I will have your info and can track my products through said info if need be. Thouh my customers information is all completely confidential.